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OFA Hips: prelim EXCELLENT
OFA  Elbows: prelim NORMAL
OFA Patellas: Normal  PA122/12M/P-VPI
OFA Thyroid: Normal  DP-TH1915/21M-VPI
OFA Dentition: Full and Correct DE269/12M-VPI
OFA Advanced Heart: PASSED DP-ACA386/16M-VPI (4/19)
OFA Echo: DP-ACA385/15M-VPI
HOLTER: All 0's CLEAR 2/20
DNA Degenerative Myelopathy: Clear
DNA Dilated Cardiomyopathy (PDK4/DCM1): 1 MUTATE
DNA Dilated Cardiomyopathy (NCSU/DCM2) CLEAR 
DNA Narcolepsy: Clear
DNA von Willebrand (vWD): Clear
DNA MDR1 (Drug Sensitivity): Clear

CLICK HERE for XDog's OFA Page
CLICK HERE for XDog's DNA Page

CLICK HERE for XDog's Pedigree

X-Dog vom Gerdautal (Import: Germany)
XDog's Sire:
2017 Sieger, ZTP V1A, IPO I
I purchased XDog before he was even born in his home in Berlin, Germany.  I thought his mother one of the loveliest bitches I had seen, and his sire, the 2017 Sieger, had fantastic health clearances for a show-bred dog.

XDog is an elegant dog, and throws very beautiful pups.  His daughter Darque Energy being a classic example. 

I have used XDog for two litters and have kept two daughters for breeding.  I sold XDog to another small kennel where he was able to have a wonderful life and assist another kennel with his grand genetics.

XDog is no longer owned by DanBar, but he is still at stud in Washington state for those interested. 

To see pups from his first litter CLICK HERE.
​My dogs are too robust for what is currently winning in the AKC show ring, however I do want licensed judges to give me a written statement on my dogs, so I do go to IABCA International shows for this. 

Here are XDog's three critiques:

Judge 1: 
Coat; correct, Head; a little blocky, Bite; scissors, full dentition. Eyes; correct, nice and dark. Ears; proper set and carriage. Chest; correct for age. Fore quarters; Good. Back quarters; Good. Tail; correct. Topline; correct. Movement; good coming, going, side. - V1.

Judge 2:
Balanced, square young adult. Coat; Black, thick, correct texture. Head; blunt wedge, parallel planes, could use more underjaw. Bite; scissors, complete. Eyes; dark, almond. Chest; could use more front angulation. Front quarters; to elbows, more fill needed. Back quarters; balanced to front. Topline; level, short backed. Movement; adequate reach and drive. - V1.

Judge 3:
14 month male, good outline. Coat; nice condition. Head; good balance. Bite; scissor. Eyes; good, dark and "keen". Ears; good set. Chest; good depth, could use more fore chest. Front Quarters; Good reach, Back Quarters; Nice drive. Tail; good carriage, croup too angled. Topline; good, correct. Movement; correct. - V1
XDog's Dam: